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Meet The Restorers! A group of Kenyan ladies who have have created an app called i-Cut to help girls

They are 21-year-old Macrine Akinyi, 22-year-old Stacy Owino, 22-year-old Cynthia Otieno, 22-year-old Purity Achieng, and 21-year-old Ivy Akinyi.

The i-Cut app connects affected girls to legal and medical assistance and it has a panic button that those forced to undergo FGM can use to alert local authorities.

In August 2017, the five ladies, then, just teenagers, were the only Africans that participated in the 2017 Technovation Challenge in Silicon Valley.

They knew that activists were already working to end this form of gender-based violence in Kenya, where one in five girls and women aged 15-49 have been subjected to FGM (UNICEF 2020).

The Restorers saw a gap that technology could fill by providing a platform for girls to call for help – and help the authorities to reach girls at risk.

The Restorers @teamrestorers continue to reach out to schools and communities to keep girls safe from FGM. #1point8#EndFGM#IAHW2023#YouthLead#adolescents2030

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