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National Adolescents’ Forum of Egypt Sheds Light on Adolescents and Youth Voices and Concerns

On the 30th of September, 2023, the Cairo Opera House in Cairo, Egypt, hosted a gathering that resonated with youthful energy and a strong commitment to the well-being of the nation's adolescents. The ‘National Adolescents’ Forum of Egypt was a collaborative effort orchestrated by the Egyptian Society for Adolescent Medicine (ESAM), in partnership with the Ministry of Youth and the Ministry of Culture. Furthermore, the event was made possible through collaboration with key stakeholders, including the National Council for Women, WHO (World Health Organization), UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund), Plan International, USAID, Pathfinders, John Snow Inc., the Population Council, and Emphnet.

The ‘National Adolescents' Forum’event served as a call to action in support of theGlobal Forum for Adolescents that took place on 11-12 October 2023, emphasizing the pressing need to bring the 20 million Egyptian adolescents into the spotlight and provide them with the support they need. These adolescents and young people are Egypt’s future, and the national forum provided them with a platform to be seen, heard, and valued.A total of 340 participants from various sectors, including government, non-governmental organizations, and youth themselves, came together to champion the cause of Adolescent Well-Being. Notably, over 100 of the participants were young people eager to contribute their voices and perspectives to the discussions.One particularly important segmentof the event was the stunning showcase of artistic talents. A total of 78 young artists from 14 different Governorates stepped into the spotlight to present their extraordinary creative expressions, underlining the depth of talent and creativity among Egypt's adolescents.

The ‘National Adolescents' Forum of Egypt’ was organized, executed, and directed by a collective of seven Egyptian adolescents who are members of the Youth Wing of ESAM. Involving these adolescentsand youth in decision-making processes at all levels was a good practice of MAYE(Meaningful adolescent and youth engagement) because this marked a significant deviation from traditional event management practices. Their active engagement in orchestrating the event was a testament to the significance of involving adolescents directly in matters that affect their lives.During the forum, various topics related to adolescent well-being were discussed, including the need to promote adolescent health, gain political support, and change public perceptions of adolescence. The forum also showcased adolescent creativity and highlighted the productive role of adolescents in community development.

One of the pivotal outcomes of this event was the declaration by the Ministry of Culture that the 30th of September would be celebrated annually as Egypt’s National Adolescents’ Forum Day. This declaration is a recognition that underscores Egypt's commitment to fulfilling the long-term needs of the nation's adolescents and youth.

The National Adolescents’ Forum of Egypt was not merely a one-day gathering but a testament to the power of collaboration . By empowering young people to be the driving force behind such initiatives, Egypt is setting an example for recognizing and nurturing the potential of its adolescent population.

This event was organized to support the Global Forum for Adolescents as part of the 1.8 Billion Young People for Change Campaign. The Global Forum for Adolescents was the world's largest gathering for adolescent well-being. It took place on 11-12 October and brought together a global community of adolescents, advocates, and leaders for two impactful days of debate, dialogue, and action. If you missed it, don’t worry—on-demand content is now available. You can watch and catch up on all the 33 transformative discussions by clicking this link: WATCH ON DEMAND!

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